
A template by Bryant Smith

You may use this template in any manner you like. All I ask is that you leave the link back to my site at the bottom of the page.



Template Notes

The main image can be changed by either replacing the current image with another one of the same size (900x402), or using a new one of what ever dimensions you'd like. If you choose the latter, you must open up style.css and change the dimensions of #mainpic, as well as the file name if that is different. If you would like to move the heading around in the above image, find "#mainpic h1" in style.css and modify it's "left" and "top" properties, this is also true for the h2 tag.


More information

I decided to leave the content portion open for the templates users to do as they wish with a blank canvas. I don't like to restrict my users too much, and for this reason I leave the defining of any content related styles to you.


Template Notes

The main image can be changed by either replacing the current image with another one of the same size (900x402), or using a new one of what ever dimensions you'd like. If you choose the latter, you must open up style.css and change the dimensions of #mainpic, as well as the file name if that is different. If you would like to move the heading around in the above image, find "#mainpic h1" in style.css and modify it's "left" and "top" properties, this is also true for the h2 tag.


More information

I decided to leave the content portion open for the templates users to do as they wish with a blank canvas. I don't like to restrict my users too much, and for this reason I leave the defining of any content related styles to you.