
This page demonstrates how to create textboxes for your website or blog.

Textboxes allow the user to enter their own content into your website. This can be used for a "Comments" section or for a fully fledged publishing system. Note that this page only shows you how to create HTML textboxes - not the "backend" code that is required to make the textbox work within a publishing system or other system.

In HTML, you create textboxes by using the <textarea> element. This element creates a multiline textbox. That is, a text input field that spans over multiple lines.

Basic TextBox

Here's an example of a basic HTML textbox:

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Here's more information about adding an HTML textbox to your website.

Textbox Color

You can change the color of your textboxes. This includes the background color of the textbox and the text within the textbox. Example below:

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Here's more information about applying textbox color in HTML documents.

Textbox Borders

You can change the style of your textbox borders too. Example below:

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Here's more information about setting a textbox border in HTML documents.